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Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

About Beagle

Beagle dogs have good stamina because they are an outdoor type , and they like to walk twice a day in the streets with you.
Beagle is very active and energetic.It can be very naughty and daring. Because of the dog's adaptable and cheerful, the beagle dog is recommended for your family.
Beagle dog is very intelligent and has a high desire, also very easy to get distracted attention from one thing and follow the smell.
Beagle puppies are loyal, cute and friendly dogs.
If you have children at your home, you can adopt a beagle puppies as your house pet, because beagle puppies can get along well people and other animals.
Don't worry if you keep other pet in your house such as cat because they can live together peacefully under same roof.
 Beagle puppies have shorter leg, shorter muzzle and broader head. Beagle puppies have dark eyes, long tail and resembles a Foxhound. They have smooth, short and waterproof coat, which is different from other pet dog as Chihuahua.
When you first get beagle dog, please don't forget to vaccinate it and follow your veterinarian's recommendations about heartworm medications and worming your dog. Don't forget consult about flea and tick control product with your veterinarian.
To remove axcess hair and dirt, dont forget to use a fine flea comb . Using a hound glove can make your beagle' coat shiny.Brush your dog several times a week.
A beagle does not require special grooming, so please bathe the beagle infrequently. Your beagle can be washed at home.
Beagles like to be around you and very people oriented, so make sure you or your families are willing to spend 30 minutes a day to play with your beagle.
You have to be patient, positive and consistent whlie training your beagle because it tend to be stubborn. Praise works better then punishment.
And at last, the beagle's average life expectancy is 12 to 15 years , so enjoy with your dog.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Tips to Raise Puppies

A great deal of work is to raise cute puppies. You should keep in mind that to raise cute little puppies in your home is a lot of work.
There are few tips on how to raise cute little puppies.
Through the training and housebreaking, you should have a healthy and happy dog.
1. You must have multiple sources of support
Support from other people is very important to raise your puppies. They should be experienced dog people who can lend an eye, ear, and can give you a lot of tips how to deal with situations such as housetraining problems or yelping all night.
2. Keep your puppies away from your stuff such as furniture to avoid chew treats
You have to realize that your puppies are little chewing machines. Your puppies will chew your anything stuff around them if you let it happens. Please make sure you give your little puppies something to chew such as toys, tennis balls, ice cubes .If you keep your puppies away from your expensive furniture, you will  avoid them from  a lot of trouble.
3. Take your puppies to veterinary regularly. Give vaccine to them when their age at six until nine weeks.
Give vaccine again after 3 weeks from the first.
4. Don’t give puppies food in large portion because they can eat it all too much, and then digest problems appear.
When at the age of four mounths, your puppies eat four times in one day.
When at the age of four to eight mounths, your puppies eat three times in one day.
And when at the age of one year, your dog eat two times in one day.